JUDAS #1 (of 4) 
Written by Jeff Loveness 
Art by Jakub Rebelka and Colin Bell 
Published by BOOM! Studios 
Release date: December 13, 2017

No matter your theological belief, people often ask themselves, “If God is so all-powerful, why does he allow all this suffering in the world?” Judas, gives a fresh perspective on the origins of Judas Iscariot and his journey from a boy left to suffer, to a member of Jesus’ inner circle, to his sacrifice of Jesus to the Romans, and his final descent into Hell. It begs the question, is it possible to outrun a preordained destiny?

The story is presented to the reader as the internal conversation of Judas himself, told in flashbacks and glimpses of the events leading to his voluntary death. His thoughts are laid out in such a way that it seems he is having a conversation with the reader and presents to them why he makes the choices that he does.  It offers a new and almost haunting heroic image of the most hated and ignored person in human history. The story embraces the theory that there is always three truths to every story; Jesus’ truth, Judas’ truth, and the actual truth.  Jeff Loveness gives a reason to look further and harder into the traditional tales that so many have been taught in Christianity.

Jakub Rebelka’s art is simple and earthy as it not only compliments the story, it heightens the reader’s experience. His light hand on this very heavy subject gives readers a mysterious and often sorrowful portrayal.  His vision of hell is almost reminiscent of I am Legend. Though often fast-paced and a bit choppy, both artist and writer provide a clear path in directing the story. 

Overall, Judas was a very good read and intrigued me enough to make it one of my picks. Judas #2 is scheduled to hit shelves January 10th and I highly recommend checking it out, especially, If you need something to make you question everything you thought you knew. 

Mandy's Rating 3.5/ 5




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